
Who is to say what something is worth? The price of land can change dramatically based on several factors. Perhaps a big box store decides to buy the property across the street from you. The value of your land and house probably just went way down! How much is something you have in your home worth to you? Was it expensive when you bought it? Are you emotionally attached to it? Maybe that beat up teddy bear, missing one eye, that you’ve had since childhood is worth a lot to you if was lost. What about pets? Princess Margaret (our cat) is worth a good bit if you factor in what we've spent on vet bills. However, she is also worth a lot because I've become emotionally attached to that little stinker! How much are your children worth to you? I hope they are worth more than your pets!

***Side Note***

Believe it or not there is a movement to place children/people and pets/animals on the same priority level. Meaning if a building is burning down and you can either save the baby or save the puppy there are some people who think saving the puppy is just as valid as saving the baby. While God did place animals under human management He never indicated in the Bible that they had become on par with humanity. I’m going to go out on the rickety branch of what little authority I have and say that the baby ALWAYS trumps the puppy.***

I personally do not have children but I can see how much other people I know love their children. I would guess that 99% of the parents I know love their children enough to die for them if necessary. Life and limb are extreme examples of what parents are willing to give up for their children. And parents don’t just “give up” certain things they change their priorities. Suddenly that trip to the Bahamas doesn’t look important or that fancy new car doesn’t seem so necessary. But in light of all these changes in attitude, behavior, and priority, most people say they would never trade anything for their kids.

Have you ever thought about how much we are worth to God? Jesus came to our sin stained planet on His own accord. “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father” (John 10:17-18). And not just Jesus but God the Father loves us so much that He was willing to allow Jesus to come and die for us. In this scripture, Jesus says "My Father loves Me." Why does God the Father love Jesus? Because Jesus was willing to die for all of humanity, both the people who would accept His sacrifice and those who would not, and He did so in the knowledge that He would then be raised again to bring us all who believe on Him to an everlasting life with Himself and the Father.

It was never a re-prioritizing for Jesus to come to save us. We have been the object of His focus since our creation. Regardless of who we are, what we have said and done to God and to others we are still of immense worth to Him. He is our Father because he WANTS to be. Think about that for a minute... God wants to be our Father. He wants us to choose Him as our Father. He will never force us to want Him in our lives. But He will wait outside the door for us to open to Him. He will WAIT for us as long as there is still time and sincere desire within us to make a decision for Him.

How much is the Sabbath Day worth to you? That the Creator of the universe has made time in His busy schedule to meet with you for 24 hours? I pray you will use some of this precious Sabbath time to contemplate how much you are worth to God. You might say “well I do all these bad things” or “I don’t focus on God as much as I should” or “I’m too much of a selfish prideful person I’ll never be good enough.” All of these things are, in consideration of what scripture says, true. However that doesn’t change the fact that you are worth the life of the Son of God. And He has promised to help us accomplish what we cannot do for ourselves. So do not be discouraged but lay your woes at the foot of the cross and ask Jesus to help you to bear your own cross each day remembering your priceless worth to God.