Trusting the Spirit

You know how some things kind of blind side you... it doesn't necessarily have to be something bad, just an eye-opening experience. Well that was my afternoon today. I had two things along those lines but I'm only going to share with you the one for now.

Carl sent me a message that Pastor Dan is leaving to go to a church in Maryland. Dan has posted about it on Facebook that he had let the Staunton congregation know today. Now I could sit back and complain about a couple of things that concern our church regarding this. But would that really be the spirit of Christ? I do whole heartedly hope and pray that Pastor Dan will be successful in his new position and am thankful for the things he has done for both the Staunton church and Highland. He was always very kind and exhibited supreme patience. Both of which are fruits of the Spirit. So I can only trust that he is going where the Spirit is leading and when that is the case then we should not complain! (That's the eye opening part in case you were wondering.) Now I can hear someone saying, "but what about our church's revelation talk? What about him being an advocate with the conference for us etc. etc." I don't know when Dan is leaving or what the conference will do once he goes. But maybe the truth is that the Holy Spirit has been taking care of our needs all along (whether in the way we would have chosen or not) and that He will continue to care for us. If we keep the faith, He will NEVER let us down whether Pastor Dan is here or no pastor. Keep that in mind as we move forward in our own church. Pray for the guiding of the Holy Spirit. Pray that we might all receive the fruits of the Spirit to exemplify Jesus both inside and outside the church.