The Lord is Coming Soon?

As per our discussion today, the Lord IS coming soon. Talking about this topic made me think about how much more I should be studying the Word than what I do... and Sabbath afternoon I sit with great intentions on the couch (so really... how good were those intentions...) to do some studying and I find myself sinking down beside the cat for a "cat nap." I wonder if this is how the disciples felt in the garden when Jesus asked them to stay up and pray. Their eyes were heavy, they knew they should be praying... but they fell asleep... The 10 virgins also fell asleep, the difference was 5 of them had already done their studying and built a relationship with the Lord BEFORE they fell asleep. What a privilege we have to be able to freely study the Bible. Not only do I have my own Bible (and several other copies) but I can read it at my leisure, whenever it suits me. But WHEN does it suit ME? Here I was this afternoon, as happens more often than I care to admit, blaming the cat for my "nap" that was longer than it should have been! Am I sleeping through the Sabbath when the Lord is nearest and welcomes our study of His Word? What was my focus today, God? or Me? Yes, Me with a capital M... because if anyone or anything comes before God we have just made that our God. Including putting ourselves first. So anyway just something to think about as the Sabbath comes to a close. I've still got time, as do you, to bust out that Bible and mull over some verses before this day is done. May the end of your Sabbath be blessed and may we be "looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God" being "diligent to be found in Him in peace, without spot and blameless." - 2 Peter 2:12, 14