Auditing... it's not a word usually spoken with a positive connotation. The conference office sent me a letter stating that shortly I will receive another letter with the specific years of financial documents I need to produce for our church and ship off to an auditor. Easy right?
I know we have good records. So why does this fill me with hesitation? Am I worried that if they do find something amiss I will have to bear the embarrassment of explaining before the conference authorities why I did or did not do something?
When the end shall finally come, our lives will be audited. In our world now, we can cover up and hide things we have done or said that we don't wish other people to know about. We cannot do that with God. We will have no excuses and cannot pass the blame to someone else. Not only are we accountable for our own actions but we are also accountable for our influence, or lack thereof, in the lives of others. The Lord spoke to Ezekiel regarding the house of Israel saying “When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.” --Ezekiel 3:18 I have heard people say "well that's their problem," "that's their decision," "don't judge." We as Christians have lost the backbone the prophets and apostles had in speaking to fellow Christians with the solid truth, longsuffering, and love that brings about realization and restoration.
But first we must take audit of ourselves. We must deal with our own "planks.” Think about your motives both in your actions and prayers. Much selfishness and pride is hidden there. BUT do not despair and say “woe is me I'll never be good enough.” Because the truth is just that. You will never be good enough, which is why the Lord gave us the Good News. "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8. The audit that is coming does not need to be a fearful thing. We have the BEST advisor and consultant who has already paid the ultimate price for us. If we ask Him, He will help us take audit of ourselves now for He is here to save and not to condemn us (John 3:17). Spend time today and every day in sincere prayer, remembering you are speaking to the king of the universe and also to your Father, your Daddy, who cares more for you than you can even comprehend. Ask Him to guide you in all your ways and to change your life to be in order with His. And believe He will do so, then act on that belief.