The Chosen One

“A righteous person has regard for the life of his animal” (Proverbs 12:10a NASB).

“He likes you best.” Ryan was away for work this past Tuesday, and although Tuff was happy to see him when he returned, Ryan said he didn’t get nearly the elated reaction that I received. For me, Tuff goes ape jumping up and down, pawing, and whimpering while relegated to the other side of the baby gate. Pets tend to choose a favorite, and it seems I’ve been chosen, like it or not. I must admit, when I come home unhappy, maybe stressed or grumpy, when I see that little furry body shake with happiness, I can’t help but smile and my bad mood melts away despite my best intentions of keeping it.

In times past, I remember I would notice my foul mood on the way home and pray while driving, and again once parked, that I would be a better person when I walked in the door to Ryan. I need not let whatever happened in my day spill over into the evening poisoning those around me whom I love. Now, not only do I still pray, but I’m greeted by a bundle of excitement swarming my feet and licking me to death! Perhaps this is how it was supposed to be with all animals that God created? I wonder if when they saw Adam and Eve, were they super excited and came over for belly rubs?

And it’s not just me that Tuff has affected. I’ve also realized that we could use him as a ministry tool. He naturally attracts attention when we go out. Even I, a staunch cat lover, have always thought small dogs were super cute. People stop to talk to us who I’m sure wouldn’t have even given us a second glance before. A lady yesterday actually stopped and said she was having a bad day but seeing our little cutie made her day better. What power is that!? Just as he improves my mood when I come home, even though he is a bear to potty train, he uplifts even strangers around him.

As we walked around the neighborhood yesterday, Ryan and I wondered how many people here do not have the hope of the gospel. If I had to guess, I would say at least 1,000 people live in our complex, possibly more. Going door to door is really a thing of the past in our country. And especially now with a pandemic, no one wants you to get very close. But many of them, I would dare say even most of them, would be willing to stop and talk if you have a little fluffy furry sidekick. Most, including me, cannot resist his charm. God can use anything to His glory, if only we will be open and listen to His calling. I now see this tiny menace as the chosen one in perhaps spreading some real hope and joy in our community about the Savior.