
“ I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall serve as a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth” (Genesis 9:13 NASB).

Do you remember that last time I wrote we were searching for a house and it seemed as though God were helping us? Everything appeared to be going smoothly with our home purchase, however the various requirements were happening slowly. This week we finally received the appraisal. Unfortunately, it did not match the expected price. The appraiser didn’t even go out to the property and just winged it from her office based on poorly taken listing photos with minimal description. We are now awaiting a second appraisal to see if someone will actually go to view the property and give a more accurate assessment. Yesterday we found out our apartment complex has already rented out our apartment to new people starting June 1 so we are required to be out by the end of May whether we end up buying a house or not. I think the most disappointing part is that everything had lined up perfectly, from the movers, to my in-laws visiting to help out, to my parents being able to take a day off to also help, to some extra funds that came our way, etc. And maybe that was the problem, maybe I was relying too much on “us” instead of on God.

As you could imagine, this is very stressful for us. Do we only trust in God when things go our way? In the past, He has always taken care of us even if His timing doesn’t match mine! As I was thinking about all of this last evening, some dark clouds rolled in and the wind picked up. I don’t know that it rained very much but at one point the wind was so loud that I decided to peek through the blinds to see what was going on. Squarely in my view was a bright and clear rainbow. Excited, I ripped up the blinds to show Ryan, nearly giving him a heart attack in the process. We both saw it. He suggested I take a photo but by the time I made my way around to the balcony the rainbow was gone. It had only been visible to us for a moment. By now you’ll know I like to give God lots of credit for “coincidences,” and this occurrence isn’t any different. I can’t shake the feeling that He put it there for us, to remind us that He will take care of us in one way or another. I’m not saying that what I want to happen will actually happen but I know that we will be ok as long as we are in God’s hands.