
“Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4 NASB).

Today, the rain streams down rather heavily. Our apartment view shows tree tops swaying in the elements. It is a beautiful Sabbath day. There have been rainy Sabbaths before and usually I would be annoyed. Really… it has to rain today? The day we could spend out in nature and (heaven forbid) I will get wet as we travel to church. I remember a year or so ago someone at church said, “Whoever is praying for the rain, please stop!” We all laughed of course, but the truth is that somewhere, God is answering the prayers of someone even if that someone isn’t me.

Our house closing was on Thursday finally, and we were supposed to move to our new home yesterday. The movers called at 10:30am to ask if we could move the next day, which would be the Sabbath. No I said, we had to move today. Things happened out of anyone’s controls. I can blame all kinds of people and “bad luck” regarding our entire moving/home purchasing experience. But through it all, I’ve felt the hand of God. I firmly believe this is where we are supposed to be. As the day drug on and the movers called to say one of their trucks broke down and others were stuck in beach Memorial Day traffic we realized the miracle we were so sure would come, wasn’t going to happen.

What now? The movers want to come on Sabbath. Do we only trust God when it is convenient? Do we only follow the commandments when it’s easy? Do we tread on the beliefs we have and the principles we’ve laid down in order to accommodate others? Is there only one right answer? What do we do?

I decided to explain our Sabbath observance to the movers and ask if there was any way they could come on Sunday, the last day of our lease. Normally they do not work on Saturday or Sunday but Friday apparently messed up not just our move but several other people’s moves as well. As I contemplate the rain this morning, I realize maybe God was answering the prayers of someone else. Someone who needed to move that day or they wouldn’t have anywhere to go. The mover had to check with her boss. A half hour before Sabbath arrived, we got the confirmation to move on Sunday. God answered our prayers! He did not provide the miracle I had hoped for instead He provided an even more amazing one. Would my faith in God wavier if they had said no? I certainly would have been disappointed and upset and super worried but I know that God would help us work it out. And He still is working it out because who knows what tomorrow will bring, maybe no movers. But whatever happens, I know God is with us even in the rain.