Pilate's Wife

“While [Pilate] was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, saying, ‘Have nothing to do with that just Man, for I have suffered many things today in a dream because of Him’” (Matthew 27:19 NKJV).

Before we moved, Ryan applied for a job with a similar company to his then current job so he had extensive knowledge about the industry. The position was exactly what Ryan wanted. He felt confident and interviewed well. Then came the final criteria, he would have to work on Sabbath. The job was really appealing because he knew he could do it, and we wouldn’t have to move. However, we trusted God and didn’t take it. Fast-forward to this past week when a friend of Ryan’s applied for that same job. The interviewer talked about a guy who had applied and was perfect for the job… but he wasn’t willing to work on Saturdays. His friend piped up and said he respected Ryan for standing firm in his beliefs. Here we are more than six months after Ryan’s interview with them and they still remember him and his Sabbath commitment. Ryan didn’t get the job but he did leave a lasting impression on them. And, as it turns out, his friend said the package they offered was actually less than what Ryan had been making so it wouldn’t have been a step up anyway.

God works in mysterious ways. Who knows why that situation happened the way it did. But one thing is for sure, those interviewers remembered it. Caving in may make our lives “easier” in the short term but God calls us to a long-term relationship with Him. If we love Him, we will follow what He has instructed for us (John 14:15). Pilate is remembered as the pushover, the man who couldn’t stand up to the crowd even though he was in charge. God tried to save Pilate and his wife through her warning. How would we remember Pilate today if he had spared Jesus? In the heat of the moment, Pilate was probably thinking of his immediate danger in being killed himself if he didn’t give the rioters what they wanted. He may have survived that day but he didn’t survive being anything other than a coward in the history books. I’m sure he spent the rest of his life regretting his decision about Jesus. We all have those shoulda coulda woulda moments.

Do you have big decisions coming up? Or even small ones? Are your desires conflicting with each other or with what you know to be right? Bring your petitions to God. He is there to guide you in making whatever decisions follow His will for your ultimate benefit. Stay alert as God may use people or circumstances in addition to scripture to help you make your decision, including your spouse! Then in the kingdom, I pray we all hear, “…Well done, good and faithful servant… Enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:21 ESV).