
“Your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters; yet your footprints were unseen” (Psalm 77:19 ESV).

I remember in high school our guidance counselor asked us to list in order of priority several criteria for choosing a career. Looking back, I realize that my priorities in high school were way different than when I joined the job force, which are still different than today. Yesterday at work a lady told me about how her children have changed their likes and dislikes even within a few short years. One child went from wanting to learn about animals to collecting rocks and now was on to something else. As she spoke, I remember thinking the same would be true of most people. I certainly don’t have the same likes and dislikes that I did even just a few years ago. I have also met numerous people who have completely changed careers. I always felt pressured about my career choice, that whatever I chose to do would be the choice I’d have to stick with the rest of my life but life doesn’t often work out so straightforward.

Cultivating a realistic life path can mean that more than one thing has high priority or maybe a specific set of criteria is needed for certain goals. A realistic outlook doesn’t just number each items in order of importance or emphasize that we must choose only one path. So far my “career” has been anything but on the path I thought it would take. However, I’m enjoying my new job and am excited to go to work. And while I did like my previous job and miss many people from there, I am so much less stressed at my current job. The past few months getting to this point have been extra stressful but looking back I know God was with me the whole time, leading me to something better, even if I felt like He wasn’t.

Our Christian walk is the same as our career paths. I don’t know about you, but my walk with Jesus has ebbed and flowed over the years. It may have started out straight but it took turns, some scenic detours, went through a few thorny trails, and while I have never fully walked away from God I know some people have had that experience too. No matter what path we started out on or what turns we’ve made the main point is where we are at right now. Our relationship with God changes over time, and just because we go through a rough patch or even a very blessed time that doesn’t mean our paths will continue the same. Until we reach that final step, our journey isn’t over and through the grace and mercy of God we have the option to change our trajectory at any time. Even if we don’t always see the footprints of the Almighty, we can choose to follow His path and be assured of His presence and guidance.