Overcoming the Tyranny

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33 ESV).

I remember one time in church we were discussing jobs and the Sabbath. There are some jobs that must continue on Sabbath, especially things that are necessary to care for others. I remember one person who had been in health care saying how it had been very hard to stop thinking about work on the Sabbath because she really liked her job. I can understand that. I like my job although ironically in a way I like it more now because during this pandemic I have the opportunity to be more creative than before. So that along with the details of selling our house, moving, etc. I find it harder to take a break from daily life on Sabbath. Even when I pray and ask God to help me spend time focusing on Him, the very next thought I have is back to work and life. What kind of time line do I need to make everything work out? Have I even thought of all the details? Even if I were to sit down this very moment and think the whole day about all these things, there are questions I still could not answer because we just don’t have enough information yet. Why can’t I just let it go for 24 hours? This coming week will be filled with important and hard decisions. What better way to prepare than to spend one whole day communing with God?

Setting aside time with God is of utmost importance for our health and well-being even more so  than eating well, sleeping appropriately, and exercising. When the interim pastor at Trinity Episcopal, my workplace, first came she began our staff meeting with a prayer. I do not remember where she obtained this prayer but one part in particular really stuck with me: “Help us to overcome… the tyranny of a busy schedule, - anything that may rob us of the joy of serving You, Almighty God.” The truth is even things that we love or are important, necessary, or worrisome do not deserve to take the place of God in our lives. Our busy schedules will try to separate us from God but we must instead “seek first the kingdom of God.” Why? Because then “all these things will be added to you.” God knows we have needs and worries. He has promised to take care of us if we put Him first! I’m thankful and grateful for how God has worked on our behalf especially recently. I need to trust that He will continue to do so. And on the Sabbath day I need to fill my mind with things above, things really worth thinking about, “things into which angels long to look” (1 Peter 1:12b ESV). And if thinking about Jesus and His mission is desirable to angels, then certainly I should find encouragement and comfort from seeking Jesus!