“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9 NIV).
One beautiful Sabbath Day, Ryan and I were tired of being cooped up inside so we took a drive. I picked a park that didn’t seem terribly far away but when we arrived it was teaming with people and there wasn’t anywhere to park. So we drove to a place on the opposite bank of the river and barely managed to find a spot. Most cars were actually parked where there were “no parking” signs. Why? Because many people seem to have a “me first” mentality. They know those signs are there for a reason… but that doesn’t apply to “me.”
After parking, we went on a short walk. At one point, two young ladies were coming our way. They were wearing river floating tubes making each of them about three feet wide. As we drew nearer, I got behind Ryan thinking one of them would do the same with their friend so we could all pass on the paved walkway. Well… how wrong I was! Ryan actually got off the path and the two ladies stayed side by side, and I barely squeezed past them. I was so mad! Why do they think they own the path? Why would they not shift so that everyone could have walked on the paved section? I told Ryan it was a good thing he had moved, and he said he didn’t want to run into them. And I said, “If they hadn’t shifted a little I would have.” “You wouldn’t have moved?” “No, I would have run into them. I’m so tired of no one caring about anyone but themselves! Why should I always be the one to move?”
Back at home, I realized I was in the wrong even though I was right. While it was wrong for those ladies to take up all the space, my attitude was not Christian. I thought about Jesus and knew He would have moved off the pavement. After all, He is King of the universe, and humbled Himself even to the point of death. How pointless of me to fume over inconsiderate people! If I had physically run into them what kind of witness would I have been? Living for Christ is a struggle, and if it’s not then we aren’t doing it right! I know the Lord has given me a point to work on in my life. It will take time, diligent effort, and much help from the Holy Spirit for me to surrender my “me first” attitude to Christ. However God has promised not just to help us overcome our sins and struggles, but to make us be shining lights, a blessing of hope sharing the gospel with those around us in the way we live. We will then also inherit a blessing as children of God!