“Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, ‘This Man receives sinners and eats with them’” (Luke 15: 1, 2 NKJV).
I love having a garage. Is it raining or snowing? The garage has you covered, literally! Once safely inside you can close the door without even getting out of your vehicle, which is what I almost always did. I can then pull all my groceries out of the backseat, safeguarded from anything going on outside. It is safe and secure, a real convenience especially at night.
One evening, at our previous house, Ryan and I returned from town after the sun had set and darkness settled over us. Ryan drove so after he pulled in he did not immediately close the garage door. He prefers to walk around the back of the vehicle and enter the house from the other side. I opened my door to get out and a BIG FURRY THING surprised me! Was it a bear?! I screamed and shut my door. Ryan, thinking I saw a spider, came confidently around the vehicle and was face to face with a Caucasian Shepherd Dog. If you are not familiar with this breed, it can average a weight between 99 and 170 pounds and is usually 23 to 30 inches tall at its back, meaning the head adds another several inches.
Luna had graced us with a personal visit. She lived down the street, and we saw her impressive presence on our walks. Yet here she was, welcoming us to our own home. We felt for her collar but it must have fallen off. Her fur was so soft and fluffy, it was hard to remember that I used to be intimidated by her. So with no collar or leash, the three of us walked down the dark road. She would whine and stand questioningly at the front door of every house we passed. Each time we said, “No Luna, not that one.” About half way down the street, Luna caught the scent of home and raced off. Arriving at her house, we found no one home. Luna madly drank from her dish, who knows how long she wandered around before finding us. Since she seemed happy to be home and didn’t try to follow us. We left her, praying she would be a good girl until her family returned.
Garages are only safe if you bother to close the door. However, if you always keep yourself closed off you will miss out meeting and helping others. Jesus made sure to spend private time with God, and He also prioritized ministering to people. These are not two mutually exclusive things. He spent time with God so he could better help others.
Dear Lord, help me to recognize the visible and invisible doors I use to isolate myself. Open my heart and my home to Your Spirit and Your people. Amen.