It is Our Problem

I grew up rather sheltered. My parents protected me from many evils in the world. I was not aware of child trafficking nor the rampant prostitution problem that faces much of the world until I was in college. I took a course titled “Asian Women” which was part of Mary Baldwin University’s women’s studies program. Oh how naïve I was going into that study and how horrified and sick I was afterwards. Since that time, I have had a strong desire, sometimes overwhelmingly so, to do something. To help not just the victims, but to educate people about the problem. You cannot stop a problem if people don’t believe it is a problem in the first place. In the comments section of the video Micki shared with me, one person said how glad they were to be American and that if sex trafficking happened in the United States that justice would prevail. But the sad truth is that the “if” is actually a “when” and no justice doesn’t always prevail. The Unicef website says, “Trafficking is not just an issue that happens to people in other countries. The United States is a source and transit country, and is also considered one of the top destination points for victims of child trafficking and exploitation. Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 U.S. States; anyone can be trafficked regardless of race, class, education, gender, age, or citizenship when forcefully coerced or enticed by false promises.” My friends these things happen close to home. They can happen to people we know and it could happen to us or our children. It’s not just someone else’s problem; it is our problem.

The video that Micki shared with me is linked at the bottom of this page. It is about 50 minutes long, and you’ll find the time well spent. I became engrossed in the lives of the children. I am thankful and blessed to have grown up in the family I have. Both of my parents love me and no one has ever (to my knowledge) tried to kidnap me. I would also guess that no one I know or would probably even meet where I live would say that selling your child is ok for any reason. Then again, we are not scrounging for food or sellable items in the dump. At one point, the video said they have heard of people selling their children so they could buy a TV or satellite. Materialism is a god not just in the United States or other first world countries but in poorer countries as well. Without the love of Jesus in the world evil reigns supreme, truly “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil…” (1 Timothy 6:10).

It is easy to forget or to stay ignorant of the evils in the world if all I ever consider is my small circle. If I never look past my front door, the world doesn’t seem so bad. But that one class ten or more years ago opened by eyes and this video only reminds me of the duty I have as a Christian to help others in whatever way I can including by being informed on such issues. Jesus has called us out of our comfort zones. Jesus has never indicated that sequestering oneself for long periods was appropriate for the Christian. Instead we can know by His example that periods of rest are ok and time alone with God is needed but not to the extent of always neglecting our neighbor in need or of shutting our eyes to the problems around us.

The thought of needing to help literally every single person around me, including those in other countries, used to overwhelm me. There are so many people and so much need and only one small me! I was so defeated that I ended up not doing anything! I then realized that while I cannot help every single person I can help some and that is what Jesus did while he was physically on this earth. In the first chapter of Mark, verses 35 – 39 it is written, “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, [Jesus] went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. And Simon and those who were with Him searched for Him. When they found Him, they said to Him, ‘Everyone is looking for You.’ But He said to them, ‘Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.’ And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons.” Jesus did not stay in one place until every single person was healed; however, he did heal many and continued to do the work he was sent to do in other towns. I don’t need to get bogged down with everything that’s wrong in the world because then I fall into the devil’s trap of doing nothing! If you have a strong passion about something, I’m encouraging you to start by picking one thing and doing what you can to further the work Christ sent us to accomplish. By helping others, you will also have ample opportunities to share your faith and the hope we have. You can make a difference. “As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person” – Paul Shane Spear.