He Knows Our Need

“Do not worry then, saying, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear for clothing?’ For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things” (Matthew 6:31, 32 NASB).

The housing market is crazy right now with many people leaving the cities and moving further away. Houses sell within a few hours, potentially without requiring a home inspection or an appraisal, and going for well over asking price. One new home we went to see ended up selling for $45,000 over the original asking price. Another house had a reasonable asking price, however the yard was a disaster from the construction. I had a feeling they were going to leave it that way. If you could sell it anyway, then why would the builder fix it We decided to go for it anyway and even offered $25,000 over the asking price. Believe it or not, we still didn’t get the house! I knew then that if we are to buy something in this area, it will be up to God.

After that second disappointment, we both saw another house come up for sale which looked perfect. Ryan asked me about it, and I said to ignore it. There was no way we could offer anything above their asking price. I was certain it would go to someone who could afford more. Later that same day, our realtor texted us about the house. She’s never done that before so it got our attention. We decided it couldn’t hurt to just go look, so the very next day we had a tour. I realized I didn’t just like the house… I loved it! We decided to put in a bid without having any hope of winning it. Not only were we the first people to put in a bit, they decided to accept it. We were in shock. I couldn’t believe it!

Last week we had the home inspected. We’ve given our requests to the sellers and are waiting to hear back. I wasn’t really worried until a coworker asked me what we’d do if the sellers refuse to fix the main issue? Then I started worrying… What if we end up not getting this house? Our apartment requires a two month notice before moving out which we’ve already had to turn in because our lease was also going to expire in two months. What then? We could end up without a house and no apartment! I reminded myself of our trust in the Lord when we moved here. Enough odd things have happened to convince us that God wants us to be in this area. I don’t need to worry about the house or where we will live if we don’t get it. God has taken care of us up to this point, and He will continue to do so. That doesn’t mean we are going to sit by and do nothing, but it does mean I’m not going to lose sleep over it. God is in control and He knows what our needs are. I will surrender my worry to Him knowing that whether we get the house or not He will continue to be with us if only we will surrender our plans to Him. “Yet not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42b NASB).