Fruit of the Spirit

I've begun reading an old Sabbath School quarterly companion book titled "The Fruit of the Spirit." During the modest time I've been awake this afternoon, yes... read back a week or so on the weekly emails and you'll see my struggle, I read a paragraph that the author quoted from a letter from a martyr.

"In a dark hole I have found cheerfulness; in a place of bitterness I have found laughter, where others fear, I have found strength. Who would believe that in a state of misery I have great pleasure; that in a lonely corner I have had glorious company, and in the hardest bonds perfect repose. All of these things Jesus has granted me. He is with me, comforts me and fills me with joy. He drives bitterness from me and fills me with strength and consolation."

As a fruit of the Spirit, joy is not contingent on surroundings or events. It is in doing the will of God that true joy may be found.

What a blessing we have for the community to be open (and almost clamoring!) to listen to the word of God presented by a member of our church. I know Darryl is very stressed, understandably so, about upcoming Vacation Bible Schools and the wrapping up of our community Bible study with a study of Revelation. I think his stress is a wake up call to the rest of us. We are the BODY of Christ. Darryl should not be left on the edge to bear this burden alone. He asked us to pray for him and pray for him extra I will. Fast in his honor if you think that is appropriate. Ask the Lord how we can help bear the burden WITH him and for the Holy Spirit to remind us to put aside our own agendas, our own selfishness (at least I know I have that trouble) in order to better support the work of the church. I don't know the end result of all these things but I pray all of us would ask God for guidance in knowing what His will is and for Him to give us the strength to do it.

I'm always hesitant to write to you all; I desire anything you read here to be of the Holy Spirit. My head feels foggy this afternoon, a lack of will power to resist the pillow I think. Let that encourage you to ask the Lord for help in overcoming your own shortcomings (and if you could put in a plug for Him to help me I would be much appreciative). So whether this was me babbling or the Spirit working please pray extra for our church, for Darryl, for our community that God's will may be done and that we may be open to His leading in our church.