Lately, I’ve been increasingly blessed when people share their personal testimonies of how God has worked in their lives. Certainly many people I have read books about having amazing stories to share, such as The Miracle of the Seventh-day Ox. Wonderful and inspiring book, if you want to read it, I think we have a few copies at the church but otherwise you may purchase it online through the Advent Book Center (Living Well). Sandy has also recently given us the first half of her testimony and what a witness she and her family are to the power of God. In light of these miraculous stories, I’ve been tempted to think that God has not worked mightily in my life. I feel that I don’t have a sensational story to share. Note the word tempted.
Darryl said in his message this past Sabbath, and the website Word Searchable Bible confirmed, that there are 3,237 individuals mentioned by name in the Bible. I want to draw your attention to 1 Kings 19:18 when the Lord is speaking with Elijah, “Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.” Israel had hundreds of thousands of people; however, at this specific moment in time only 7,000 had not bowed to Baal. It might be a very small number considering the hundreds of thousands but 7,000 is still a lot more than the 3,237 that were mentioned by name. So remember, you and I might be one of those unnamed individuals who might not have a spectacular story but He has still worked in our lives. We need to share these “small” testimonies with others so that they will know their experience doesn’t mean that God isn’t in their lives.
So here are my two small testimonies that happened within the past two weeks:
Story 1
Last week at work, I was extremely busy with the administrator on vacation and two funerals to help coordinate besides my normal work duties. I’m also barreling down on a two year project that is so close to completion I can taste it! I usually try to take one day a week to offer prayer or scripture reading with the people who come to the free lunch program in what I call the Prayer Room. I was feeling overloaded with work and didn’t want to take time out of my week this week. Part of me doubts that it really helps anyone since it is usually just me and then one or two or at most four people who might come in for prayer. And generally the same people come in. So I by passed it on Wednesday which is my customary day. On Thursday, my conscience was troubling me. What higher work is there than doing the will of God? Would the funerals not happen if I took a half hour to pray? Was I trusting in myself or in God? I couldn’t leave the phones unanswered; however, I knew the only other staff person available to answer the phones would be in a meeting upstairs, which happens every month on the last Thursday, during the time I would normally have been in the Prayer Room.
I told God that if this other staff person would somehow be in her office during lunch that I would go to the prayer room. The time came and the other staff person came to my office and said that one other lady had come to the meeting but no one else had showed up and therefore they cancelled the meeting! God heard me, and chided me for not putting His work first! So I went to the Prayer Room. Only one person came in but then again maybe that one person is who the Lord wanted to visit that day. And it is always a blessing to take time out in the middle of my day to read scripture and pray.
Story 2
For 15 years, I made jewelry as a hobby. Then about two years ago I decided my time could be better spent and that hobby fell to the wayside. I’ve been trying to sell all my supplies, which were significant, with only minimal success. Then I saw that C. F. Richards School was having a yard sale where you could rent a table to sell your stuff. I discovered that both Ryan and I had been thinking about whether or not to give all the funds from the sale to the church mission work. We decided since we were both thinking it that it was the right thing to do. I prayed a lot the days leading up to the sale and on that day I also fasted. I did so because I wanted, and did, ask God to sell all of the jewelry because I was tired of it being in my house and just wanted to get it out and if possible raise funds for Him at the same time. I told Him I knew it was a little thing nothing great but I knew that He cared about the little things as well. I waited all day and only two people bought any jewelry stuff. The sale ended at 3pm and I was getting ready to pack up when a lady came to my table and said that she made jewelry for her living. WHAT?! How much had I been tempted that day to lose faith or to think I was being presumptuous in asking God to do this for me. And here at the very last minute, as always in His own timing, God answers my prayer. I was blown out of the water and caught off guard. My mind was reeling with amazement, gratitude, and not wanting to let this woman get away. She said, “I don’t really need anything, I have too much stuff already!” And with my clouded brain still in shock I said, “I will cut you a huge deal if you take it all.” And she did! Now in retrospect I should have asked for more money. I should have been prepared knowing God would come through. I’m the worst at haggling with people but I did manage to get some funds and to get rid of all the stuff! At this moment, she has given me half of the money I asked for with the rest to be given on Tuesday when she picks up all the stuff. I’m asking all of you to pray that God, if it is His will, would impress this woman to give more than I asked for and to ask what I plan to do with the money so I can share with her the mission work we are doing. Regardless of money maybe I can still be a witness to this person and share God’s goodness with her. The biggest blessing was God telling me: I am here; I am listening; why do you have so little faith?
Friends, God’s hand is evident in our lives whether or not we are one of the few named people or the thousands of unnamed faithful. Look for the seemingly small things. God will be with you and help you see Him, if you look for Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).