According to, an escape room is “a game where people are locked into a room and have to find a way to escape by finding clues in it, and solving puzzles, or a special room where this is done.” An article from USA Today said only about 22 escape rooms existed in the United States in 2014 but by mid 2017 that number had jumped to about 2,000. Ryan and I have talked about doing one but as yet we haven’t. But it seems like an interesting thing to do. Something that would be fun while also giving your brain a workout. However, if it were not a game, this activity would be highly stressful and scary. But when you go into the room, you know there is a way out.
I’m sure you remember that I work for a church. I usually go into the Prayer Room once a week during the free lunch program to invite anyone in for prayer or to read the Bible. Last week I almost didn’t do the Prayer Room because I was struggling myself. I thought, how can I encourage someone else if I can’t even get myself together? If you read my post last week, you will remember I said that I often get so caught up in knowing that it is really God who overcomes that I forget I have a part to play. So this past week, I recognized my need. I knew if left to myself I could never overcome the sin that was stomping around in my brain. I was praying to God as I worked but during that time I could not focus solely on Him and the problem persisted. I then thought of the verses below and decided I needed the Prayer Room.
Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:12-13).
I knew, by providing this quite space and time, no phones to answer, and no people actually came in for prayer, that God indeed was giving me a way of escape. I had been trying all morning to “get over” this issue because I knew if the person I was upset at came into my office I would say something I would regret later. I knew it would dishonor God, certainly not help the situation, and how can I say I love my “brother or sister” if I would say things in such a way as to then make them upset. Most of the time when I’m in the Prayer Room I just open my Bible to any ol’ place and start reading. But this time was different. I knew I needed help to overcome and so I searched and found the “Love Passage” coincidentally also in 1 Corinthians but this time in chapter 13. I must have read over that chapter at least ten times while sitting there. Each time I went back and focused on different parts so different words and meanings jumped out at me. I realized I could spend probably a week just on the phrase “love suffers long” and still find it meaningful. Love will endure for a long time hoping and praying for the best outcome. I was “suffering long” in my mind not wanting to say or even think hurtful things knowing “Love… does not behave rudely.”
It’s not like this is complicated. I didn’t read this passage over and over because I didn’t understand it. No, I read it multiple times BECAUSE I understood it and knew it would help me to overcome if I wanted to overcome and allow God to work in my heart. Whether at home, at work, or wherever, I cannot be a witness for God’s truth if I am rude to people. And just because I think I am in the right or that some else has wronged me it doesn’t mean I have a free pass to act in any way that would not show love. I often struggle to express my unhappiness about something without letting it come out in negative words. Well I am happy to report that God saved the day. Before I left the Prayer Room, I could tell God was working on my mind and heart and that it would be ok. And later in the day an opportunity came up where I indirectly commented on the problem and the person seemed to respond in a positive way. Whether that is a lasting change or not who knows but I know that God used the Prayer Room to help me overcome temptation. And then the next day I was able to witness to someone else about the blessing I received from that experience. God doesn’t just help us through trials for our own benefit. He also provides us with opportunities to encourage those around us who may be in need of their own temptation Escape Room.