Have you ever secretly hoped that God would not answer your prayer? This seems counterproductive doesn’t it? I’ve been praying off and on for a while now that God would direct me in regards to my work life. But I confess I’m a bit afraid of what He might ask me to do or not do. A couple of weeks ago I spoke with a doctor in the field of radiology. I told her I was considering going back to school to become a radiology technician. She encouraged me to consider becoming an ultrasound technician instead since demand is high and the pay is good. I told her I also wanted a job where I could share the love of Jesus with others. In many ways, my current job is a good place to witness. I mean who is going to grump at you for sharing Jesus in a church?! But on the other hand people already have their own faith. Many times they don’t feel a need to study anything other than what they already know and are comfortable with. This doctor told me that working with people who are sick can be a great time to witness since people are more open to thinking about religious things. They feel a need for Jesus.
So I got all fired up. I was excited at the thought of maybe closing and opening another part of my life. I started looking for a study program and to my dismay the nearest radiology program is in Harrisonburg and the nearest ultrasound tech program would be even further away. Not only that but it would require me to take six or more classes before I could even apply to be in the, self proclaimed, "rigorous" program. It is a 21 month full time study program which effectively means there is no way I could continue to work and study. At this point, I resigned myself to remembering to be happy with where I am. Remembering that doing the will of God where you are is much more meaningful than a new career. But after hearing Pastor Reed’s sermon yesterday, I question whether or not God would want me to purse a different career, even if maybe not this one, and I’m just giving up too easily.
Pastor Reed shared in his sermon that God doesn’t just hand things to us because without trial our faith doesn’t grow. Maybe I’m looking for the easy way out. Maybe I’m intimidated by all the frustrations and the mountain I think I’d have to climb to achieve my goal. At this point, I don’t know what to do except to keep praying. If God would want me to take this path, then I know He will work it out despite my trepidation. As we discussed in Sabbath School yesterday, God has his own timeline and He may not answer our prayers in the time frame we except nor in the manner we might desire. We don’t have to be doctors or scholars to live a life devoted to God. We can be secretaries and fishermen as long as we each put Christ in the center of our vision, the flagman at the end of the finish line. However, God will help us to not be afraid if He calls us to a new path in life. He promises to be there with us and encourage us when we are burdened. “Therefore… let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” (Hebrews 12:1-2). I pray God would grant to both me and you the wisdom and endurance to finish the race. May He give us the ability to know what sins and worries are bogging us down and help us let go of them in order to enter by the narrow gate into the joy of Him who is there to welcome us home.