Creative Creator

I’m not always the most observant person. Most years it seems to me that the landscape goes from barren tundra to lush rainforest almost overnight. So this year I made a point to notice when the first flowers started poking out of the ground (which where I live was actually way back in February!). Every day I notice more and more green leaves and trees flowering. Yesterday morning the fog at the bottom of the tree line behind our house was so beautiful and mysterious (or should I say “mist”erious). I went out to take a photo (since I’ve gotten into doing watercolor I’m paying more attention to scenes that would make a nice picture). While out on the deck, I noticed, when I turned to come inside, a redbud tree beside our house in full glorious bloom. We have lived here for over five years and I’ve never noticed it before. You cannot see it from the main road because another tree blocks it from view and not being an outdoorsy person I almost never go around to that side of the house. I stopped and made Ryan come outside to see it. Even the most beautiful painting in the world doesn’t come close to the artistry of God and photos don’t do it justice either.

I think we could say without much doubt that our God loves to be creative and to create things. After all He created our world and everything in it, as well as the whole universe (Genesis 1:1). Wouldn’t it make sense then that we too like to create things since we are created in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26)? We, of course, must use the things God has created in order to make anything from woodworking, to painting, to cooking, to writing, to programming, etc. Many times we create something just for the joy and pleasure of the creation process. But is there something more? Does God create just for His own pleasure? My personal opinion is that God enjoys creating things and then sharing that creation with beings (whom He also created) who can derive joy from what He has made (Genesis 1:26-31).

So what about us? It gives me joy to cook (when it turns out well!) but it gives me even greater joy when I can share what I made with others whether by bringing it to potluck, taking it to work, or visiting those who are sick and might need a meal. Recently, as I mentioned earlier, I’ve gotten back into watercolor after a ten year hiatus. If I compare my artwork to what other people have done, I will often think it isn’t very good. But is that really the most important aspect? I guarantee you even a simple doodle will mean the world to someone if you send it in a card and say, I was thinking of you and so I thought I’d send you a card with this doodle I made just for you. You might be thinking… well I like to create but I’m not very good at it and therefore I don’t want to share it with anyone else. The truth is that we are all still in the learning process whether you are a beginner or a professional and that’s ok! We could take a lesson from children who are not shy about sharing their artwork and creations with adults. They feel no shame that what they have created may not be the best. They often want to share it with us to see how happy their gift makes us. When I was a child, I drew a picture of my Nana and I sitting on a couch with a bunch of cats. She had that drawing, which to my adult senses was quite terrible, in her bathroom for years… I mean for like 20 years! Why? Because she loves me and I made it especially for her.

“[Jesus] said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’” (Matthew 18:3-4). If we could humble ourselves and be less worried about what other people think of us and our own self-consciousness and more concerned about God’s mission, perhaps through our sharing, hearts might be softened to receive the love and word of God. Making something special for a specific person shows how much you care about them. You took time and effort you could have spent on yourself or on something else and spent it on them. Love and time are the most valuable things we have to share. Each person has only 24 hours in a day so we must pick and choose what is important and what is put off for another day. And that other day may never come. “Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1). Therefore, sharing even a moment with someone else can be very meaningful to them. Every talent God has given us in creating things can be used to bless someone else.

So the next time you get a hankering to bake a batch of cookies or maybe become a watercolor hobbyist, don’t think about whether or not what you make is the latest and greatest but instead enjoy creating something and see who you could share with. They will be happy to hear from you. God created us to be creative. Let’s use that gift to His glory!