A Chronic Case of "Me"

Ryan and I were discussing how to determine what activities were ok on Sabbath and what are not (as per some of our discussion in church today, spoiler: we didn't come to a final conclusion). Ryan suggested that we should avoid things that take our minds off of Jesus. I told him then I wasn't going to eat or visit with family. Ha! On the hour long drive over and back I find myself wanting to discuss something that happened at work or something that we need to do at the house which honestly on ANY OTHER DAY I don't even think to talk about... Why do I think of those things more on Sabbath? What did Paul say? The things I want to do I don't do and the things I don't want to do I do (or talk about!).

So ok what about the rest of the week. I read once from Ellen White that we are to pray for God to help us keep Jesus in front of our minds all day. I do really well up until the time I stop praying... maybe that's why we should pray without ceasing! I even work for a church... I attend church, I have church duties, I help my mom sometimes with stuff for her church too... as I told the lady at the bank who was confused about me working for one church but attending another. I have a lot of religion in my life. But still in the midst of all that "religion"... I lose patience at work with someone... I lose patience at home... I stop treating others as Jesus would want me to or have grumbly thoughts about my computer STILL being in the shop (ya'll need to pray harder on that one, ha!).

In those moments, Jesus isn't my focus. So what is? Well it's me. I'm focusing on myself. What is impatience but selfishness? I wish those people would drive faster... I wish those people wouldn't park their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle and chat with their long lost neighbor... I wish certain things about my spouse or coworkers or parents OR THE MAILMAN, I mean really... how long does it take a package to come from North Carolina... My convenience, time, opinions, desires, etc are more important that other people's. ME ME ME. The childhood disease of the "gimmies" has transformed into an adult version. No wonder patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit. So ultimately the Sabbath shouldn't be about me either. It is about God. If your reason for going to church is to get a blessing then I'm going to step out onto my bold branch and say that you are going for the wrong reason. Not to say that you can't or shouldn't receive one but that shouldn't be your sole focus. You should want to BE a blessing both to God and to other members with your desire to come to worship. It's all a matter of WHO you are worshiping... God or yourself. And your attitude on Sabbath is just as important as what you choose to do or not do. And that struggle of focus and attitude will affect the choices you make daily, not just on Sabbath. So I challenge you this week, to try to pay attention when you are losing patience with someone (or even something!) and to take a step back. Evaluate your attitude and make a choice that would honor your commitment to Jesus. (And pray for each other!)